Linda Flynt
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About Me

Law of Attraction Coach, Hypnotherapist,
#1 Best Selling Author
"NutShell totally changed my life. And it’s not just the bookkeeping part, it’s all the other business aspects, too.
It just makes my life so much easier, That still amazes me!"
Things Are Always Working Out
This is not always easy to remember, especially in moments of greatest challenge. I'll tell you my story...
Too Many Changes
As I walked into the office of the company president, for what I thought was just another weekly meeting, he got up and shut the door behind me.
Uh-oh! I knew that wasn’t a good sign!
I was newly divorced by only a few weeks, and did not need any more life changing events, thank-you-very-much, Universe!
But, there it was. My long standing computer consulting contract with this company that I loved was being released. Six weeks from that day, I would no longer have a source of income.
Sometimes the universe acts in ways that are pretty scary, especially when we forget that everything is always working out for us.
Time for something new
I had loved doing this type of computer consulting work for over a decade. For each of my consulting clients, I used the magic of computers to make it as easy as possible for them to get their office work done. They loved my super simple, user friendly solutions, and their joy is what made my world go 'round.
Yet unbeknownst to me, it was time for something new.
That’s OK, because I was ready.
In fact, I had already gotten started.
As a highly creative (and adventurous) software developer, I had written a software program called NutShell that helps entrepreneurs manage the nuts and bolts of running a business. When I say "nuts and bolts", I mean keeping up with all the details, such as client info, scheduling, tracking money, as well as techniques to insure that the business flows like a well oiled machine.
The most inspiring part of creating NutShell was that I knew that if it was truly going to simplify the lives of my users, the software had to be VERY easy to learn and SUPER easy to use.
And so it was.
I've been here before!
I built a business around my NutShell, including marketing the software and teaching my clients how to organize their businesses. They loved that NutShell is very easy to learn and super easy to use.
In the early years, I customized NutShell for a specific community of entrepreneurs.
Fast forward , and you’ll see that, indeed, history repeats itself. The community that most of my NutShell users were a part of, disappeared.
Instantly, my business dried up.
Just as had happened 15 years before. I was, in effect, laid off.
a discovery!
What did I experience the first time around when my consulting contract ended abruptly? The universe makes sure things are always working out for us.
It did this time, too. And just like before, I was ready.
Here's what I mean: I had already fallen in love with this thing called “coaching”. I am a certified Law of Attraction coach.
When I became a part of the coaching community, I discovered that coaches need help with their businesses, too! So, I tweaked NutShell so that it works well for coaching businesses.
Coaches, healers and spiritual entrepreneurs are fantastic at creating transformation for their clients, but feel challenged by the details of managing their businesses. NutShell is a super simple and very easy solution.
But wait, There's more!
On that eventful day when I was newly divorced and lost my computer consulting client, I had no idea the magnitude of skills that I was about to learn.
In order to stay in business as an entrepreneur for almost 2 decades, I needed many new skills.
Marketing strategies, copywriting, technology, not to mention a great mindset are all required aspects of creating a thriving business. As I acquired these skills, I found that they are super fun for me. And that means they are super helpful for you.
If these are skills you haven't yet mastered, you don't have to figure them out on your own.
Whether it's an organizational tool that you need, like NutShell, or you'd like help with your marketing, copywriting or technology, there just might be a future for us together.
Am I a good fit for you?
If you've been working at growing your business for any time at all, you've probably received training about one (or several) marketing strategies.
Lack of training is likely not what is stopping you.
Actually getting the work done is where the challenge lies for most people. Without outside help, you get stuck with unanswered questions and confusion about exactly how to implement the strategies you learn.
That's where I come in. My focus with clients is on helping them take action. My clients "get stuff done", as we say here in Texas.
Would you like me to help you get stuff done so that you can serve more people and impact the world in a way that feeds your soul?
You probably want to know if I'm a good fit for you.
Let's find out! Click the button below to schedule some time together, and access your "Ease and Flow Business Breakthrough Session" questionnaire.
The questionnaire allows me to assess how I can most help you grow your business so that when we meet for your complimentary "Ease and Flow Business Breakthrough Session", we can hit the ground running..
We'll lay out a crystal clear vision for your business success. You'll come away from the session regenerated, rejuvenated and excited about what's possible for you, your business and your clients!
Click the button and let's get started!
Copyright 2017, Linda Flynt
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