"No More Strategy Sessions" Email Template Bundle

Present the Right Message with the Right Words to Sign up Clients WITHOUT Strategy Sessions

Client-Getting Emails Customized For Your Business

Yes Linda! I want to Easily Sign Up Clients With Email! 

  • I'll receive professional email templates for a 3 day email campaign. I'll simply fill in the blanks and the emails will be written for me.  ($497 Value)
  • I get a 30 minute Quick Start Call with Linda to strategize how to use the templates specifically for my business. We'll clarify my offer so that it's irresistible and will inspire ideal prospects to say "Yes!" ($497 Value)
  • I'll have 30 days of email support to make sure my campaign is effective as possible  so I'll get client signups quickly and easily ($197 Value) 
  • I'll have access to "No More Strategy Sessions" Hot Seat Coaching Group for 3 months for even more support with my email offers and to connect with like-minded coaches  ($294 Value)

Total Value: $1,485

Right Now Only 1 Payment of $497

Your Gift - FREE

A 3 Day Client Getting Email Campaign Written for Your Business